Rapporto Tecnico, Anno 7, n° 42 maggio 2012 autoFlushBufferSize. Whether to propagate adds/deletes to a full-text [Full-Text] model automatically. While a very useful feature, enabling full-text indexing adds significantly to object ingest times. If true, the text model will be named modelName-fullText. Note that if this is true and autoCreate is true, the text model will also be created if it doesn't already exist. Maximum number of additional sessions the pool may add. If specified as -1, no limit will be placed on pool growth. Tells the connector to communicate with Mulgara in remote or local mode. If true, the host parameter must be defined. If false, the path parameter must be defined. Seconds of buffer inactivity that will trigger an auto-flush. If this threshold is reached, flushing will occur in the background, during which time the buffer is still available for writing. The server name for rmi binding. The size at which the buffer should be auto-flushed. If this threshold is reached, flushing will occur in the background, during which time the buffer is still available for writing. The name of the model to use. Whether the triplestore should be read-only. Most Fedora repositories will set this to false. The local path to the main triplestore directory. The name of the Trippi Connector class used to communicate with the triplestore. Example local MPTStore backed by Postgres. To use this triplestore for the Resource Index: 1) In fedora.fcfg, change the "datastore" parameter of the ResourceIndex module to localPostgresMPTTriplestore. 2) Login to your Postgres server as an administrative user and run the following commands: CREATE ROLE "fedoraAdmin" LOGIN PASSWORD 'fedoraAdmin' NOINHERIT CREATEDB VALID UNTIL 'infinity'; CREATE DATABASE "riTriples" WITH ENCODING='SQL_ASCII' OWNER="fedoraAdmin"; 3) Make sure you can login to your Postgres server as fedoraAdmin. 4) Download the appropriate Postgres JDBC 3 driver from http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html and make sure it's accessible to your servlet container. If you're running Tomcat, putting it in common/lib/ will work. Messaging Destination for API-M events which update the repository A space-separated list of message types that will be delivered to this Destination. Currently, "apimUpdate" and "apimAccess" are the only supported message types. Optional, defaults to topic. Messaging Destination for API-M events which did not make changes to the repository 59