Rapporto Tecnico, Anno 7, n° 42 maggio 2012
"; ?>
". $result['dc.title']['value'].""; ?>

"; ?>
". $result['dc.title']['value'].""; ?>

8.2.6 sites/all/modules/islandora_solr_custom/theme/islandora_solr_custom.theme.inc drupal_render($key['field'])); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($key['label'])); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($key['exclude_label'])); $row[] = array('data' => drupal_render($key['markup'])); $rows[] = $row; } } $form['islandora_solr_custom_table']['#access'] = FALSE; // don't unset $form['anything'] , use $form['anything']['#access'] = FALSE; instead! // Individual table headers. $header = array(); $header[] = t('solr field'); $header[] = t('label'); $header[] = t('exclude label?'); $header[] = t('show markup when empty?'); // put the rendered table in another fieldset. $form['islandora_solr_custom_table_output']['table_output_markup']['#value'] = theme('table', $header, $rows); $output = ''; $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } /** * Theme function for theming the solr search results * * @param $results * The raw search results * * @return variables to be used in the template file. */ function islandora_solr_custom_preprocess_islandora_solr_custom(&$variables) { // base url global $base_url; $variables['base_url'] = $base_url; // include solr field order generated from solrconfig.xml $variables['field_order'] = _islandora_solr_custom_solrconfig(); // not sure if this is really needed, but I'll keep it in for now. // this variable might be more useful as the db values are parsed in the solrconfig order using the results of _islandora_solr_custom_solrconfig(). 100