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Product Differentiation, Industry Concentration and Market Share Turbulence
Firm Diversification in the European Union New Insights on Return to Core Business and Relatedness
Dati disaggregati e analisi della struttura industriale: la matrice europea delle quote di mercato
Does debt discipline state-owned firms? Evidence from a panel of Italian firms
Shareholder Protection and the Cost of Capital Empirical Evidence from German and Italian Firms
Italian Corporate Governance, Investment, and Finance
Investment, cash flow and managerial discretion in state-owned firms. Evidence across soft and hard budget constraints
Managerial discretion and investment decisions of state-owned firms: Evidence from a panel of italian companies
Bollettino CERIS n. 20 Profili di sviluppo nella realtà industriale italiana
Contributi allo studio dei processi d'internazionalizzazione del sistema produtttivo italiano