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(41 - 60 of 66)


How should be the levels of public and private R&D investments to trigger modern productivity growth? Empirical evidence and lessons learned for Italian economy
Investimento pubblico e privato in R&S: effetto di complementarietà o di sostituzione?
Economic and social studies of scientific research Nature and origins
Path-breaking directions of nanotechnology-based chemotherapy and molecular cancer therapy
The relation between typologies of executive and technological performances of nations
General purpose technologies in dynamic systems: visual representation and analyses of complex drivers
Disruptive technologies and competitive advantage of firms in dynamic markets
Donne-scienza-tecnologia: analisi di un caso di studio (Women – Science – Technology: Analysis of a Case Study)
Analisi del processo innovativo nelle PMI italiane (Analysis of the innovation process within Italian SMEs)
Esperimenti di trasferimento tecnologico alle piccole e medie imprese nella Regione Piemonte (Technology Transfer on Trial: some Cases in the Piedmont Region)
Trasferimento tacito della conoscenza: gli Istituti Cnr dell'Area di Ricerca di Torino (Tacit Transfer of Knowledge: Cnr Institutes of Turin Research Area)
A Mathematical Model for Performance Evaluation in the R&D Laboratories: Theory and Application in Italy
Analisi sistemica della performance nelle strutture di ricerca (Systemic Analysis of Performance in Research Organizations)
Soddisfazione, coinvolgimento lavorativo e performance della ricerca (Satisfaction, Work Involvement and R&D Performance)
Una metodologia per misurare la performance endogena nelle strutture di R&S (Syn Method as a Tool to Measure the Endogenous Performance in the R&D Organizations)
Research trends in nanotechnology studies across geo-economic areas
Path-breaking innovations for lung cancer: a revolution in clinical practice
Evolutionary growth of knowledge and new technological directions of non-thermal plasma technology in medicine
Population and technological innovation. The optimal interaction across modern countries
Groundbreaking technological applications of nanotechnology in biomedicine: detecting emerging pathways from scientific and technological outputs
