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La burocrazia nella ricerca pubblica. Parte I Una Rassegna dei Principali Studi (The Bureaucracy in the Public Research. A survey of the modern case studies, part one.)
Quanto e come investire in ricerca per massimizzare la crescita economica? Analisi e implicazioni di politica economica per l'Italia e l'Europa
Evolutionary dynamics and scientific flows of nanotechnology research across geo-economic areas
Positive and negative stress in business cycle behaviour
Internal organizational demography of public research institutions
Business cycles and the scale of economic shock
Metrics for driving political economy of energy and growth
Predicting strategic change of public research institutions under unstable negative growth
Forecast horizon of 5th - 6th - 7th long wave and short-period of contraction in economic cycles
Possible technological determinants and primary energy resources of future long waves
Analisi della Burocrazia negli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca. Parte II (Bureaucracy analysis within public research bodies)
Il finanziamento pubblico alla ricerca spiazza l'investimento privato in ricerca? Analisi ed implicazioni per la crescita economica dei paesi
How should be the levels of public and private R&D investments to trigger modern productivity growth? Empirical evidence and lessons learned for Italian economy
Investimento pubblico e privato in R&S: effetto di complementarietà o di sostituzione?
Economic and social studies of scientific research Nature and origins
Path-breaking directions of nanotechnology-based chemotherapy and molecular cancer therapy
The relation between typologies of executive and technological performances of nations
General purpose technologies in dynamic systems: visual representation and analyses of complex drivers
Disruptive technologies and competitive advantage of firms in dynamic markets
Models for measuring the research performance and management of the public labs
