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Regulatory and Environmental Effects on Public Transit Efficiency. A Mixed Dea-Sfa Approach
Una proposta di marketing territoriale: una possibile griglia di analisi delle risorse (One proposal of territorial marketing: one possible grill of analysis of the resources)
Managerial capacity in the innovation process and firm profitability
The impact of Rural Development Program on the economic performances of agro-food industry: the results of a counterfactual analysis in Piedmont, Italy
Tecnologia e produttività delle aziende elettriche municipalizzate (Technology and productivity in italian electric municipal firms)
Italian Case Study: socio-economic impact analysis of a cyber attack to a power plant in an Italian scenario. Cost and benefit estimation of CIPS standard adoptions. A reduced version
Measuring Intersectoral Knowledge Spillovers: an Application of Sensitivity Analysis to Italy
La responsabilité sociale, est-elle une variable influençant les performances d'entreprise?
Structure and transformation of the Italian car styling supply chain
Impact analysis of technological public services supplied to local firms: a methodology
The role of inter-organizational proximity on the evolution of the European Aerospace R&D collaboration network
Explaining the efficiency of Italian car suppliers during the crisis
L'albero del rischio: relazioni stocastiche (elementari) tra gli indicatori di bilancio
Fame e abbondanza. Il glossario. Scelte lessicologiche, criteri di lemmatizzazione e analisi testuale
Imprese innovative in Friuli Venezia Giulia: un esperimento di analisi congiunta (Innovative firms in Friuli Venezia Giulia: a Conjoint Analysis experiment)
Infezioni correlate all'assistenza ospedaliera: un caso studio di costo efficacia
Multinationals and productivity: evidence from the Turin Area
Logit statico, Logit dinamico e modelli hazard