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Quaderni Ircres numero 2/2017.The relation between public manager compensation and members of parliament’s salary across OECD countries: explorative analysis and possible determinants with public policy implications
Analisi psico-economica di un'organizzazione scientifica e implicazioni di management: l'Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale 'G. Ferraris'(A psycho-economics analysis of a scientific organization and management implications: the Italian Electronics Institut
Analysis of the resource concentration on size and research performance: The case of Italian National Research Council over the period 2000-2004
Analisi delle strutture pubbliche di ricerca scientifica.Tassonomia e comportamento strategico (Analysis of the scientific research structures: taxonomy and strategical behaviour)
Ricerca teorica vs. ricerca applicata. Un’analisi relativa al Cnr (Fundemental research vs. applied research. An analysis concerning the Italian National Research Council)
La burocrazia nella ricerca pubblica Parte III Organizzazione e Project Management negli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca L’analisi del CNR (The Bureaucracy in the Public Research. Organization and Project Management within Public Research Bodies. The CNR’s analy
La burocrazia nella ricerca pubblica. Parte I Una Rassegna dei Principali Studi (The Bureaucracy in the Public Research. A survey of the modern case studies, part one.)
Internal organizational demography of public research institutions
Predicting strategic change of public research institutions under unstable negative growth
Trasferimento tacito della conoscenza: gli Istituti Cnr dell'Area di Ricerca di Torino (Tacit Transfer of Knowledge: Cnr Institutes of Turin Research Area)
What are the effects of public debt on innovation and employment growth?
Quaderni Ircres numero 1/2017. What is the relation between public manager compensation and government effectiveness? An explorative analysis with public management implications